Using computers generates a large quantity of data, text analysis software can help to dig into and make sense of text based data. I decided to use text analysis software to look for themes in restaurant reviews, the aim was to find out how and why restaurants used digital marketing, I hoped to find out if there was a link between user generated content  (reviews etc) and the message they wanted to share through their branding.

I used various tools and methods including text analysis software, I found that this software can help to make sense of a great deal of text but it requires setup time and a knowledge of the software if you want to get the most out of it. I only used basic functionality but this still took time, taking reviews from the website, feeding them into the software, calibrating the settings to ensure usable analysis.

In future I would learn more about language or work with a person that understands language because some of the settings assume a knowledge of this area, and use some technical terms in the various settings.

as you can see from the pictures, the output is graphical and connections are clear to see.

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Five star dining reviews in a graphical format Produced with text analysis software
Five star dining reviews in a graphical format produced with text analysis software


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